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Par 4 Yards 436 SI 3
Par 4 Yards 436 Stroke 3


Hole Three

Advice from the professional

“Risk/reward from the tee requires a clear strategy regards the banking on either side of fairway at 210-240 yards. A cautious tee-shot can be rewarded with a strong second leading to a par or a safe 5 at worst. Recognise the green slopes from left to right and avoid left of bunkers left green leaving a very difficult chip.”

Stewart Russell

Club Professional

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Hole White
Par Stroke
Par Stroke
1 365 346 4 11 297 4 13
2 345 340 4 7 257 4 15
3 436 431 4 3 395 4 1
4 148 135 3 17 118 3 17
5 393 389 4 1 328 4 5
6 350 332 4 15 278 4 11
7 202 200 3 13 186 3 3
8 491 463 5 5 437 5 7
9 324 314 4 9 279 4 9
10 278 270 4 16 229 4 16
11 214 198 3 6 199 3 2
12 354 337 4 2 294 4 4
13 123 120 3 18 121 3 18
14 493 481 5 12 400 5 12
15 345 337 4 10 277 4 8
16 352 339 4 14 303 4 6
17 393 359 4 4 255 4 14
18 454 441 4 8 412 5 10
In 3006 2882 35 2490 36
Out 3054 2950 35 2575 35
Total 6060 5832 70 5065 71