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Par 4 Yards 365 SI 11
Par 4 Yards 365 Stroke 11

Dobson's View

Hole One

Advice from the professional

“A wide opening fairway belies a testing tee shot to carry  the burn and avoid the solitary bunker left which draws the eye to work with the prevailing wind from left and avoid the boundary right. Find the fairway to leave a difficult mid iron approach to a raised green. Club selection is very important.”

Stewart Russell

Club Professional

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Hole White
Par Stroke
Par Stroke
1 365 346 4 11 297 4 13
2 345 340 4 7 257 4 15
3 436 431 4 3 395 4 1
4 148 135 3 17 118 3 17
5 393 389 4 1 328 4 5
6 350 332 4 15 278 4 11
7 202 200 3 13 186 3 3
8 491 463 5 5 437 5 7
9 324 314 4 9 279 4 9
10 278 270 4 16 229 4 16
11 214 198 3 6 199 3 2
12 354 337 4 2 294 4 4
13 123 120 3 18 121 3 18
14 493 481 5 12 400 5 12
15 345 337 4 10 277 4 8
16 352 339 4 14 303 4 6
17 393 359 4 4 255 4 14
18 454 441 4 8 412 5 10
In 3006 2882 35 2490 36
Out 3054 2950 35 2575 35
Total 6060 5832 70 5065 71